[Haymarket Media Group Ltd. Global Supplier Code of Conduct]
Haymarket Media Group is a global media, data and information company. We provide remarkable content to specialist audiences across the world. Through live, digital, print, education, data, tech services, video and audio, our brands inspire, inform and empower clients and communities internationally.
We are a socially and environmentally responsible business. As we serve our audiences, clients and communities, we are committed to driving the meaningful change necessary to build a better world. Integrity and respect are at the heart of how we do business.
All suppliers can find out more about Haymarket’s sustainability programme, Impact, and can access details and updates on Haymarket.com/Impact.
We have an integrity-based approach to our supply chain and to our social responsibilities, and it’s important to us that our suppliers have the same ethos. That’s the reason that we have this Global Supplier Code of Conduct (Supplier Code) – to help you understand what is required to be a supplier to Haymarket. We will work with our supply chain to make sure they have the right policies and processes to comply with our Supplier Code, and in turn we expect they will use the same principles with their own supply chain. We’ll consider these principles when we are choosing suppliers to work with and will ask all our suppliers to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of the Code.
We are committed to the Ethical Trading Initiative’s Base Code, and the ten principles of the United Nations’ Global Compact. The principles of this Supplier Code are about complying with legislation and regulations to support human rights and good labour practices, and by this we mean the laws and regulations that apply to the jurisdiction that suppliers operate in. This compliance is the minimum standard and we will always try to exceed these standards.
All our suppliers should uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency and governance and we maintain the right to request that suppliers complete a Supplier Code of Conduct agreement and provide certification and evidence as required. Suppliers shall allow Haymarket representatives to undertake, either announced or unannounced, onsite assessments and/or monitoring visits to assess supplier practices against the expectations for this Code.
We expect our suppliers to be cognisant to the risks associated with Modern Slavery and we expect all suppliers to take action to ensure there is no slavery in their supply chains, and if any is found to take immediate action, including providing us with details as soon as an instance is identified. For more information please visit the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons under the US Department of State website, or the UK government’s overview of the Modern Slavery Act.
Contacting Haymarket Media Group anonymously
If you have any concerns about any aspects of this Code, your ability to meet the requirements, your own supply chain, or the standards that you work to, and would like to speak with us please contact us anonymously by following this link. We will treat all contact seriously and as confidential; and respond to all questions and concerns within thirty (30) days, or sooner, if possible.
Social responsibility and the environment are key to a sustainable supply chain. The following areas are not exhaustive, but are the key principles that underpin our approach. We expect these principles to be monitored and practised by all our suppliers and by their suppliers too. Where there are discrepancies between the
Code and applicable laws, the provision that provides the most protection to workers or the environment must be followed.
Honesty and transparency
Suppliers must be honest and fully transparent at all times when providing information and services and goods to Haymarket, and maintain accurate documentation necessary for demonstrating compliance with this Supplier Code. Suppliers shall not engage any subcontractor to perform any work for Haymarket without prior written approval or as permitted under applicable contracts, and only after the subcontractor has agreed to comply with this Supplier Code.
Data privacy and security
Your employees must adhere to principles of data privacy protection and keep confidential and secure all data belonging to Haymarket, its affiliates, employees, clients and other suppliers. Suppliers and any subcontractors should comply with applicable data privacy laws and contractual provisions governing the collection, processing, use, access, disclosure or sharing of data provided by Haymarket.
Employment is freely chosen
Your employees must be free to leave their employer after giving reasonable notice and are not required to lodge deposits or payment with their employers. There must be no forced, bonded or involuntary labour. Your employees must have a written contract of employment, which needs to comply with local legislation and be clear about wages. Wages and benefits must be in accordance with relevant legislation. All deductions from wages must be lawful and with the expressed permission of the employee.
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
Your employees must be free to join or form trade unions and to bargain collectively, in accordance with relevant legislation. Your employees must not be discriminated, retaliated against, harassed or intimidated for their membership of trade unions, or representative functions.
Working conditions are safe and hygienic
A safe and healthy working environment must be provided, with hazards minimised and adequate steps taken to prevent accidents and injury occurring in the course of work. Appropriate occupational health & safety training, policies and procedures must be in place and responsibility should reside with a senior management representative. Where it is a requirement, there will be insurance in place.
Child labour must never be used
The recruitment and use of child labour must be banned and prohibited in any and all circumstances.
Living wages are paid
Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week will meet, at the very minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. In addition to compensation for regular working hours, employees must be compensated for overtime hours at the rate legally required in their country. Employees should have access to all benefits that they are entitled to.
Regular employment is provided
To every extent possible work performed must be on the basis of recognised employment relationships established through national law and practice. Employees should have access to professional development opportunities.
Working hours are not excessive
Working hours must comply with national laws and collective agreements, and all overtime must be voluntary. Your employees must have access to rest periods and time off.
No discrimination is practised
We value diversity and inclusion in our own business and want to see these principles in our supply chain. There should be no bias or discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, social or ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, maternity or union or political affiliation. Where required, policies and training on diversity, discrimination, harassment and whistleblowing should be in place and available to all employees.
Treat your employees with respect
Suppliers should take measures to ensure that their employees are not exposed to abuse, harassment, discrimination, intimidation or harsh or inhumane treatment in their work environment.
Grievance mechanisms and whistleblowing
Your employees should have access to a grievance procedure. Suppliers shall have respectful employee grievance mechanisms to resolve disputes, complaints and ensure effective communication between employees and management. Workers shall be able to raise concerns confidentially, anonymously, and/or directly, without fear of reprisal or retaliation.
Environmental standards and reduction
Haymarket supports a precautionary, reduction-driven approach to environmental challenges. We expect suppliers to have action plans in place to manage and improve their, and our, impact on the environment. Wherever possible we will choose a supplier that has environmental accreditation beyond the minimum required. We will ask our suppliers to demonstrate their commitment to reducing their environmental impact including using renewable energy sources, and achieving Net Zero emissions via a certified route, such as Science Based Targets.
In all areas of supply we strive to work with ISO 14001 environmental management accredited suppliers to support our own ISO 14001 accreditations. Where legislation is applicable, we expect a supplier to have ISO 50001 accreditation. We will only print using PEFC and FSC certified paper.
Bribery and employee code of conduct
Haymarket has a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. It is prohibited, directly or indirectly, to offer, give, request or accept any bribe, including but not limited to: gifts, loans, payments, rewards or advantages, either in cash or any other form of inducement, to or from any person or company in order to gain commercial, contractual or regulatory advantage for Haymarket, or in order to gain any personal advantage for an individual or anyone connected with the individual in a way that is unethical.
Haymarket operates a Code of Ethics and a violation of ethics reporting procedure to confirm the ethical obligations of staff and to avoid any occurrence of bribery or the conflict of interest in our operations. At a minimum, we expect all our suppliers to adhere to relevant legislation. Inappropriate gifts will not be accepted and only modest hospitality should be offered. We expect any conflict of interest to be disclosed.
Modern Slavery and your supply chain
Where applicable, we expect suppliers to be aware of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act. UK suppliers that are required to public a statement must do so, and we reserve the right to request the statement on request. Where our suppliers operate in areas of risk, such as use of agency labour, we expect compliance with any relevant accreditation and legislation. We reserve the right to ask to see the processes that our suppliers have in place to ensure their supply chain is free from slavery.
Compliance with laws, regulations, and published standards.
Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, codes, or regulations of the countries, states, and localities in which they operate, including but not limited to, laws and regulations relating to data privacy, environmental, occupational health and safety, anti-bribery, human rights and employment practices.
Where applicable, suppliers must ensure that they are in full compliance with all restrictions relating to the entities listed on the Specially Designated Nationals List by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as well as any U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency restrictions on the importation of merchandise mined, produced, or manufactured, in whole or in part, in any country by forced or indentured labour.
Supplier Partnership and Breaches of the Supplier Code
Haymarket will always treat all actual and potential suppliers fairly, equally and objectively. All reasonable attempts will be made to assist suppliers to overcome difficulties and to improve their performance for us, including corrective action plans, support, and reasonable time to meet the requirements of the Supplier Code. If it is determined that a supplier is unable to take the necessary corrective actions and is in breach of the Supplier Code, the Company may terminate the Supplier’s contract.
March 2025